The most expensive camel

For thousands of years Astons rights sentences and adopted in many of the household affairs; where there is some evidence that the process of domestication - or at least the early stages of it - has been for nearly 4500 years .. The researchers believe that Hadhramaut is the area where domestication of the camel.
Jamal is the origin of North America (Zeuner 63), has lived there for a period of 40 million years ago, emigrated to other regions in the world, and became extinct from this region that grew up .. The sentences passed so many stages of development reached the form today.
A camel in the animal kingdom: Animal Kingdom
Row: mammals Mammilia.
Group: foot and Sadiyat Tylopoda.
Family: Total Camelidae.
Although the camel munching food, it is wrong to say that the rank of ruminants; because the rank of ruminants to 4 rooms of the stomach, and the animals and Sadiyat foot then the stomach consists of three rooms only.
Distribution of beauty around the world
There are approximately 15 million camels around the world (Statistics was the only one so far in the early eighties), of which about 12 million and 192 camels in Africa.Greater its presence in Somalia, 5 ملايين 400 thousand phrases, followed by Sudhan country has two million and 904 thousand camels, and then 960 thousand Ethiopia, Mauritania and then 718 thousand, 350 thousand and the Niger, Chad 405 thousand 174 thousand in Algeria, Egypt, 95 people.
In Asia it facing nearly 3 million sentences .. Greater its presence in India مليون and 174 thousand, then Pakistan (819000), carrying with them in Saudi Arabia 108000 .. And least in the presence of Lebanon 1000 sentences.
He moved strings to new lands such as Australia, South Africa, South America and western Europe.
Sentences and the external environment
Beauty can live in cold or hot .. However, the adaptation to live in hot, dry areas is a fantastic system worth considering.
Does not favor a single hump camel and live in wet areas, but rather prefer areas with periods of prolonged dry heat up to eight months.
And then the system has a unique position to cope with drought and high temperatures .. Outer shape also plays an important role in these harsh conditions.
The form of sentences
Camel color ranges from brown to gray, and in rare cases, white color, large and protruding eyes like a deer into, eyelashes long and thick and there is a thin membrane under the eyelid glands that contains a fully developed, and its function to protect the cornea from the sand in the desert .. Jamal Has a huge mouth and tongue is long and the heart to facilitate the process of taking materials forklifts .. Different teeth in the camel than in any other animal .. Which is characterized by partitions in the upper jaw, while there are only in the lower jaw in the other animals .. And have strong teeth that distinguish them from true ruminants .. The number of teeth of the camel is "34".
Upper lip thick with great sensitivity to the thorns, covered by thick hair compared Balhvp Lower hanging. Upper lip cracked longitudinally in the middle, and the groove connection slot nose so that the moisture formed on the nose to go through to the mouth ..
Covering the nose and thick hair to prevent sand from entering them, but Mhattan strong muscles allow them to close in the sand storms .. The nose always tremble for cooling the air of inspiration.
Foot with the fingers wide and Mfirtahp, sink into the leather cushion .. In the course of Sir Ttafrtah these pillows a result of pressure by sealing the foot of the diving in the sand .. And walk-Jamal movement Torjehip .. Walking legs, where the right times, then moves to the legs left at other times ..
Camel hump his distinctive, it stores the fat with some fibrous tissue as a store of energy .. Not leak to the fat under the skin of other animals .. It is located in the center of the body height of 50 cm and its surroundings is nearly 200 cm .. Dromedary much longer than a Bactrian camel;, at around m and 85 cm at the shoulder, and two meters and 15 cm tall at the hump, the weight of the strings in an average of 450 to 600 kg carried on four legs, long and high and wide steps for ease of movement in the desert.
Average thickness of his fur in order to prevent evaporation of water in high temperatures .. Moreover, it is high not even allowed to enter the quantities of heat within the body.
The light color of the fur sentences means that the rays of the sun reflected on the surface of the fur .. As for the skin is thick, dark color absorbs ultraviolet radiation penetrating, and thus prevent tissue fibrosis .. The scarce water that evaporate in the high-temperature fur accumulate on the surface and therefore gives a sense of moisture.
Great body of the camel is not a fault .. It helps to acquire the temperature slowly .. The sentences can adjust the body position so as to make the least possible area exposed to the sun .. And sitting in the periods of early morning in an attempt to avoid the higher solar radiation flipped on the ground arid ..
There are cushions cornea below the chest and the knee of great benefit during the sitting, as it is the parts that touch the earth .. Camel carrying her baby for 13 months .. It remains the calf along with his mother until puberty at the age of 5 years, and live strings of 40 to 50 years, ranging speed during the course of between 5 to 7 kg.
17 days without water!
Arab camel can live without food or water for nearly seventeen days .. He can also compensate for the lost quantity of water in a very short period .. Where he can drink about 100 liters of water in ten minutes .. Strange animal this system .. He must possess special physiological structure able to withstand the heat without water .. Seize him, but biological processes in the body .. And a similar system to prevent an explosion or decomposition of red blood cells (haemolysis) when you drink this huge amount of water in a short time.
Drink sentences in normal circumstances about 25 ß 30 liters in the dry season ..
Camel can lose 30% of the water body does not lose his appetite for food even in the most severe drought
Adaptation sentences
(1) estimated distinct change in body temperature:
When there is water and food for a camel .. Change the body temperature by 2C, but under the harsh conditions of heat and drought alter the strings of body temperature to reach a greater degree of 6C. The high temperature of the body reduces the difference in temperature between the body and the external environment; and then reduce the rate of evaporation (sweat) .. When less heat in the evening .. Reduces the sentences of the body temperature until the latent heat without a significant decrease in the water.
(2) strings of the animals that sweat to get rid of the water .. But it is - in some neighborhoods - resort to "panting" through the rapid breathing under difficult climatic conditions ..
Panting is consecutive sentences without a rest period between inhalation and exhalation; to ventilate the area and the upper respiratory passages, which evaporates water from her were less so the rate of evaporation.
Respiratory rate per minute up to 8 times, but it increases under the circumstances mentioned to 12 times per minute.
(3)The digestive system of sentences:
Is characterized by anatomical and physiological installed assisted to adapt to a wide range of food handling .. Esophagus long sentences much longer than the trachea, and padded glands that produce mucus to dampen food camels.
Different parts of the vehicle in the stomach in ruminants, camels by the truth .. For the outer surface of the stomach there are two areas of the bags of adenomas and secretory functions complement the functions of the salivary glands and add large amounts of fluids ..
The rate of secretion of saliva in a large semi-Palmjtrut camels, but it contains a small amount of the enzyme amylase, which rate is excreted in the state that provide water to 21 liters per day .. The average of at least even up to 0.64 liters at the thirsty camel .. Sentences and continue to move his mouth Mffersa saliva and munching down until the humidity keeps the mouth and ease of swallowing.
The saliva contains a proportion of urea derived from the liver .. Where once again go back to (stomach); to be used in the manufacture of protein.
Digestion process depends heavily on the presence of microbes in the stomach of the animal, which increase during the period of diminishing water, are not affected by this beauty, like the other animals. Absent gall bladder, camels, so that:
(A) provide the amount of water used within the vesicle; for the presence of vehicles secretion (100 - 150 mm in cattle).
(B) prevent inflammation of the gall, which may result from lack of food and water.
(C) There is no need to produce large quantities of yellow because of the nature of food camels poor in fat
(4) the role of red blood cells RBc's
Camels can lose almost 30% of her body to die without water, where the control plasma volume in camels at the expense of tissue fluid and the use of water, biological processes, they remain non-handicapping session.High protein in the blood of strings to 70%, and albumin increases to 20% .. The presence of albumin in the blood plasma cause an increase in osmosis, which in turn leads to maintain the fluid in the blood vessels.
(5) the rate of urine during drought:
Decrease the rate of urine during a drought to a large extent, highly regarded as the most important mechanism used by the camel to conserve water ..
Concentration of the urine also lead to enable the strings of drinking water salinity increases the salinity of sea water ..
Embarrass the strings in the normal circumstances, approximately 7 liters a day .. However, in drought conditions may deviate liters per day only .. Are also produced by Alvazopersen hormone (Vasopressin) which inhibits the flow rate of urine in the college.
This hormone also leads to the exit of a large amount of potassium and a small amount of sodium; to serve then in the settings Aloozmosze
Colleges vary so anatomically reported in ruminants real; which increases the length and number of tubes Henley (Loop of Henle) significantly, which helps to concentrate the उरीने
Strange Things camel
And Strange Things camels also small, can go back to the last place the baby milk from his mother in the event of its loss of the herd or the other house (pens) to the owner.
The camel has a remarkable ability to learn Td water and places of rainfall, grassland, because of its strong sense of smell.
Camels can also differentiate between sounds are accurately know the voice of the other patron.
Strange Things camels and also that when you go to lift the right hand and right leg together in one step and the left hand with his left foot in the next step in order to preserve balance and this feature does not exist in any object other than camels Glory creator of the photographer.
The strings (stallion) of most organisms, especially in the case of jealous frenzy at the time of mating, it does not allow a stallion for someone else in the herd in the case of more than one stallion must be well controlled Brabathma, dimensions, and some will only Iqttlan heavy fighting even kill each other.
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